VFR Flights
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Flights available for March
Pilots are free to choose from any of the flights available at their assigned base which are first come, first serve.

As always, check the weather! If it's not safe to fly VFR, wait it out or fly another day. The mountains of southeast Alaska are littered with planes who's pilots chose not to wait only to find a wall of granite instead of the pass they expected.

It sometimes happens that a plane drops off a group at a cabin, and then is forced to return and wait with them because the ceilings have dropped. That is far better than having to send out the Coast Guard to find your wreakage the next day.

It's an old cliche but it's true: There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. But there are no Old, Bold pilots!

Flight 1- Aircraft- Cessna 185
An FAA flight Examiner is required to do a flight with one of our unlucky pilots. A minimum half hour flight with three take-offs and landings are required. Best regards!

Flight 2- Aircraft- Cessna 206 amphibian
The Forest Service is sending a team of three to perform maintainence work on the cabin at Young Lake.

Flight 3- Aircraft-Beaver
Four Coast Guard officers need to be dropped off at Hooligan CG station in Cross Sound. They missed their helo shuttle due to a late arrival in Juneau by Alaska Airlines.

Flight 4- Aircraft-Cessna 185
A family of four needs to be taken back home to Elfin Cove.

Flight 5- Aircraft- Gumman Goose
A rich couple and their snobby kids want to check out some land at Atlin Lake they're considering purchasing. See how long you can tolerate them.

Flight 6- Aircraft-Beaver
A team from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) need a plane that can do some slow flight for a surveying photo mission. The land parcels are located on the west side of Admiralty Island (north of Hawk Inlet) and in the northwest cove on Shelter Island.

Flight 7- Aircraft-Cessna 185
The Forest Service need a new wood stove to be delivered to the cabin at Admiralty Cove.

Flight 8- Aircraft- Cessna 206
Aircraft 250AS is down at Petersburg on mechanical. Take the necessary parts and Lee, our mechanic in the 206 amphibian since it's a long walk from the float dock.

Flight 9- Aircraft- Grumman Albatross
A large group of construction workers and supplies need to be taken to Entrance Bay to continue work on the cannery being built there.

Flight 1- Aircraft- C185
An older couple want to spend some time at Baranof Hot Springs to banish the winter cold. They'll be staying with some friends who have a small cabin hidden just inside the treeline.

Flight 2- Aircraft- Grumman Goose
A group of Boy Scouts needs to be flown up to Redoubt Lake (east end) for a week of winter adventure.

Flight 3- Aircraft- Beaver
A group of marine biologists and oceanographers are doing some work in Shelikof Bay on the west side of Kruzof Island. They've been there for several days but will be ready for pick up on Friday afternoon.

Flight 1- Aircraft- Beaver
The wife of a logger needs to be taken back home to Thorne Bay. She'll need help with a large drum of diesel so watch your load.

Flight 2- Aircraft- Goose
Seven commercial fisherman are in need of a lift to Port Protection on the northwest corner of Prince of Wales Island where they'll rendezvous with their boat.

Flight 3- Aircraft- C206
A miner needs to be picked up at Antelope Ranch with several hundred pounds of equipment.