Questions and Answers
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VFR Flights

Commuter Flights




Q. What flight simulator is used for Admiralty Air Service?
A. MSFS2002.

Q. How do I join?
A. Go to the bottom of the Home Page and click on Join.

Q. How do I get the necessary files?
A. Go to the Downloads page. Some files can be downloaded directly, for the others, you will be directed with a link as to where to get them.

Q. Are the flights assigned or do I pick my own?
A. Pilots are free to pick their own flights from those available under VFR Flights or to pick a leg or consecutive set of legs from the Admiralty Air flight schedule from the Commuter Flights page.

Q. Do the commuter flights always have to be flown IFR?
A. Yes.

Q. Are the non-commuter flights always flown VFR?
A. Yes except for those that are listed as VFR/IFR or when a portion of the flight can be conducted under IFR rules.

Q. Are pireps required for each flight? How about screenshots?
A. Yes, they are posted in the forum. Pictures aren't required, only appreciated. A picture still tells a thousand words...

Q. Are all the aircraft listed required to be downloaded to participate?
A. Not at all. Pilots are free to download and fly one, or as many planes as they wish.

At left: A pick up in our Goose at Florence Lake on Admiralty Island.

Q. What is the best way to navigate for these flights?
A. or VFR navigation, there two sectionals, Juneau, which covers      about the northern two-thirds of southeast and ketchikan which      covers everything south. Failing that, the Forest Service maps of      the Tongass National Forest also work quite well and have the      additional benefit of showing cabin locations and some      topography
     For IFR flights, we recommend Jeppesen's Express pack.

Above right, view from the Beaver taxiing into the Ketchikan float dock